What is your average turnaround time?

The following is our approximate turnaround time:
• up to 500 words - 8 hours
• 1,000 to 2,500 words - 36 hours
• more than 2,000 words – approximately 1,500 words per day.
If your requirements are more urgent than our average delivery times, we would still be able to accommodate you. However, there might be a nominal surcharge.


Are you able to translate a 200 page document in 5 days?
That is highly possible. It would depend on the amount of work our translators have at the moment. However, a rush job and diverting our translators’ attention from other projects might involve a nominal surcharge.

Our Project Managers, at any one time, have the clearest picture of the workloads and capabilities of our translators.

What is your confidentiality policy?

We respect the confidential nature of all our clients’ documents. Rest assured that your confidentiality is protected. It is mandatory for our translators and staff to sign a binding confidentiality agreement with us and to go through our internal security training before they are allowed any contact with any document.

We have our clients’ interests foremost in mind. As such, we would be glad to enter contractual agreements to assure our clients that their confidentiality remains secure.

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